Advanced Package Fault Simulation: The Impact of Accelerated Trace Model Generation

Wednesday, October 30, 2024: 10:00 AM
202 (Hilton San Diego Bayfront)
Dr. Chuan Zhang , NVIDIA Corporation, Santa Clara, CA
Mr. Joseph Sanchez , NVIDIA Corporation, Santa Clara, CA
Mr. John Aguada , NVIDIA Corporation, Santa Clara, CA
Mr. Arpan Bhattacherjee , NVIDIA Corporation, Santa Clara, CA
Dr. Jane Y. Li , NVIDIA Corporation, Santa Clara, CA


In advanced chip package failure investigations, Reflectometry simulation emerges as a highly effective fault isolation technique. However, the conventional manual approach to generating models for simulation is fraught with challenges, characterized by its laboriousness, time-intensive nature, and susceptibility to human error. To address these challenges, an automation script has been developed. This script autonomously interfaces the design database to extract essential trace information and subsequently formulates an optimized equivalent trace model. This automated process markedly enhances the efficiency of the package fault simulation step, streamlining the workflow, standardizing procedures, and mitigating the risk of human error. The seamless integration of the automation script into our advanced package FA workflow has demonstrated its efficacy as a highly efficient solution for successful root-cause investigation of advanced package failures.