Basic Decapsulate Tool Function Develop for Cu Wire Bonding IC and the Real Usage on Function Extended Basic EMMI for Dynamic EFA

Wednesday, November 12, 2014: 3:30 PM
310 A (George R. Brown Convention Center )
Ms. Yoyo Wen , SMIC, Beijing, BC, China
Ms. May Yang , Semiconductor Manufacturing International (Beijing) Corp, Beijing, China


In an era where the complexity, cost and development of failure analysis tools and techniques is rapidly expanding, it is easy sometimes to find new tools for new challenge, instead of use the present tool to optimize or extend their function. In this paper, we used our basic decap tool (the tool was supposed to be unable to decap Cu wire bonding IC) to develop the mature Cu bonding IC decap recipe. To realize the function, we studied the decap mechanism to determine the tuning parameters and performed a lot of experiments to find out the best solution. Also in order to confirm the decaped IC’s integrality, a real case was recited to testify the decap capability. Moreover, this recited case was also a basic tool’s application extension. At present dynamic EFA equipment is very mature, but dynamic EFA tool only available from limited count of FA labs for economic concerning. In our case, we connected an external power to a function test board so as to turn on a fail chip in advance, then performed defect localization analysis with the basic OBIRCH/EMMI tool. True hotspot found, PFA confirmed the fail location Substrate and WL leakage problem.