Continuous Wave 1064nm Laser for Laser Voltage Imaging and Probing Applications
Continuous Wave 1064nm Laser for Laser Voltage Imaging and Probing Applications
Wednesday, November 12, 2014
Exhibit Hall B3 (George R. Brown Convention Center )
Laser voltage probing (LVP) and imaging (LVI) using continuous wave (CW) 1320-1340nm laser have become mainstream techniques for electrical fault isolation. 1064nm laser, with a 20% smaller wavelength offers immediate resolution advantages over 1320nm at a cost of increased intrusion. This paper aims to explore the potential of CW 1064nm laser and identify opportunities in fault isolation.
Laser voltage probing (LVP) and imaging (LVI) using continuous wave (CW) 1320-1340nm laser have become mainstream techniques for electrical fault isolation. 1064nm laser, with a 20% smaller wavelength offers immediate resolution advantages over 1320nm at a cost of increased intrusion. This paper aims to explore the potential of CW 1064nm laser and identify opportunities in fault isolation.