Continuous Wave 1064nm Laser for Laser Voltage Imaging and Probing Applications

Wednesday, November 12, 2014
Exhibit Hall B3 (George R. Brown Convention Center )
Mr. Venkat Ravikumar , Advanced Micro Devices - Singapore Pte Ltd, Singapore, Singapore
S.L. Phoa , Advanced Micro Devices - Singapore Pte Ltd, Singapore, Singapore
Prasad Sabbineni , DCG Systems, Fremont, CA
Dr. Dmitry Skvortsov , DCG Systems, Fremont, CA


Laser voltage probing (LVP) and imaging (LVI) using continuous wave (CW) 1320-1340nm laser have become mainstream techniques for electrical fault isolation. 1064nm laser, with a 20% smaller wavelength offers immediate resolution advantages over 1320nm at a cost of increased intrusion. This paper aims to explore the potential of CW 1064nm laser and identify opportunities in fault isolation.
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