Failure Analysis Methodology on Resistive Open Defects

Wednesday, November 12, 2014
Exhibit Hall B3 (George R. Brown Convention Center )
Dr. Alfred C.T. Quah , GLOBALFOUNDRIES Singapore Pte Ltd, Singapore, Singapore
Mr. Ghim Boon Ang , GLOBALFOUNDRIES Singapore Pte Ltd, Singapore, Singapore
Mr. Dayanand NAGALINGAM , GLOBALFOUNDRIES Singapore Pte Ltd, Singapore, Singapore
Ms. Magdeliza Gunawardana , GLOBALFOUNDRIES Singapore Pte Ltd, Singapore, Singapore
Mrs. Ng Hui Peng , GLOBALFOUNDRIES Singapore Pte Ltd, Singapore, Singapore
Soh Ping NEO , GLOBALFOUNDRIES Singapore Pte Ltd, Singapore, Singapore
Dr. Z.H. Mai , GLOBALFOUNDRIES Singapore Pte Ltd, Singapore, Singapore
J. C. Lam , GLOBALFOUNDRIES Singapore Pte Ltd, Singapore, Singapore


We observed that “open” defects resulting in logic failure could result in floating nodes and saturated transistors with photon emission detectable by high sensitivity InGaAs camera. By precisely localizing these emission sites with the help from cad navigation and software layout tracing tools, a failure path could be identified. Further layout analysis or nanoprobing techniques like EBAC analysis can then be employed to narrow down the physical failure analysis inspection region for defect tracing. This paper describes several case studies with the use this failure analysis methodology to successfully localized subtle resistive open defects resulting in yield loss.
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