Applications of AFP Nanoprobing for Localization of Implant Related Issues

Wednesday, November 12, 2014
Exhibit Hall B3 (George R. Brown Convention Center )
Mr. Dayanand Nagalingam , GLOBALFOUNDRIES Singapore Pte Ltd, Singapore, Singapore
Mr. Tao Xie , GLOBALFOUNDRIES Singapore Pte Ltd, Singapore, Singapore
Dr. Alfred C.T. Quah , GLOBALFOUNDRIES Singapore Pte Ltd, Singapore, Singapore
Ms. Soh Ping Neo , GLOBALFOUNDRIES Singapore Pte Ltd, Singapore, Singapore
Ms. Hui Peng Ng , GLOBALFOUNDRIES Singapore Pte Ltd, Singapore, Singapore
Mr. Ghim Boon Ang , GLOBALFOUNDRIES Singapore Pte Ltd, Singapore, Singapore
Mr. Kim Hong Yip , GLOBALFOUNDRIES Singapore Pte Ltd, Singapore, Singapore
Dr. Z.H. Mai , GLOBALFOUNDRIES Singapore Pte Ltd, Singapore, Singapore
J. C. Lam , GLOBALFOUNDRIES Singapore Pte Ltd, Singapore, Singapore


This paper aims to describe several cases in which the significance of Atomic Force Probing (AFP) is illustrated in localizing implant related issues.
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