Advanced Failure Analysis on Silicon Pipeline Defects and Dislocations in Automotive Mixed-Mode Devices

Thursday, November 13, 2014: 10:40 AM
310 B (George R. Brown Convention Center )
Dr. Yann Weber , Freescale Semiconducteurs France SAS, Toulouse, France
Mr. Julien Goxe , Freescale Semiconducteurs France SAS, Toulouse, France
Dr. Stephane alves , Freescale Semiconducteurs France SAS, Toulouse, France
Mr. Thomas zirilli , Freescale Semiconducteurs France SAS, Toulouse, France
Dr. Marie Castignolles , Freescale Semiconducteurs France SAS, Toulouse, France
Dr. Sam Subramanian , Freescale Semiconductor, Inc., Austin, TX
Dr. Yuk Tsang , Freescale Semiconductor, Inc., Austin, TX
Mr. Keith Harber , Freescale Semiconductor, Inc., Austin, TX


The presence of crystalline defects, including dislocations and pipeline defect, is detrimental to both the processing and the intrinsic quality of the devices. The electrical parametric or functional failures generated by those defects require to accurately identify their proper classification in a continuous improvement mindset. Pending the failure analyst choice of the investigation technique, the distinction between a dislocation and a pipeline defect can be difficult. In this paper, based on case studies of automotive mixed-mode devices, the various electrical and physical FA investigation techniques are explored and compared. From an electrical investigation standpoint, fault localization techniques will be reviewed (thermal Laser stimulation OBIRCh and photon emission microscopy EMMI) as well as the direct electrical measurements means (external measurement and nanoprobing AFP). From a physical analysis standpoint, the use of various methods after deprocessing will be considered: top down delineation etch, Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM), Scanning Microwave Microscopy (SMM), Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM). The position of the defect as well as its physical signature observed through the various methods will determine its proper classification hence will drive the appropriate corrective actions. That paper will be concluded with a discussion on the physical differences between a dislocation and a pipeline defect, as well as insights from the wafer fab manufacturing process.