Defect Characterization and Metrology

Thursday, November 13, 2014: 9:50 AM-11:30 AM
310 B (George R. Brown Convention Center )
Session Chairs:
Mr. Phil Kaszuba and Mr. Terence Kane
9:50 AM
Localization of Weak Points in Thin Dielectric Layers By Electron Beam Absorbed Current (EBAC) Imaging
Mr. Jörg Jatzkowski, Fraunhofer Institute for Mechanics of Materials; Mr. Michél Simon-Najasek, Fraunhofer Institute for Mechanics of Materials; Mr. Frank Altmann, Fraunhofer Institute for Mechanics of Materials
10:15 AM
Al-Cu Alloy Films Characterization & Studies using TOF-SIMS, XPS, AFM, EBSD and TEM
Mr. Jingjing Shao, Wintech Nano-Technology Services Pte. Ltd
10:40 AM
Advanced Failure Analysis on Silicon Pipeline Defects and Dislocations in Automotive Mixed-Mode Devices
Dr. Yann Weber, Freescale Semiconducteurs France SAS; Mr. Julien Goxe, Freescale Semiconducteurs France SAS; Dr. Stephane alves, Freescale Semiconducteurs France SAS; Mr. Thomas zirilli, Freescale Semiconducteurs France SAS; Dr. Marie Castignolles, Freescale Semiconducteurs France SAS; Dr. Sam Subramanian, Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.; Dr. Yuk Tsang, Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.; Mr. Keith Harber, Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
11:05 AM
Foil Capacitor Characterization and Failure Analysis with Special Respect to Noise Filter Applications
Prof. Peter Jacob, EMPA Duebendorf (50%, 1993-today, Main Affiliation)
11:30 AM
11:55 AM
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