A Comprehensive Investigation of the Galvanic Corrosion Induced Ag-Al Bonding Degradation in Microelectronic Packaging Using Argon Ion Milling, SEM, Dual Beam FIB-SEM, STEM and TOF-SIMS

Tuesday, November 11, 2014: 10:20 AM
310 A (George R. Brown Convention Center )
Dr. Yixin Chen , WinTech Nano-Technology Services Pte. Ltd., Singapore, Singapore


The Ag-Al bonding degradation mechanism has been comprehensive investigated using the Argon ion milling, SEM, Dual Beam FIB-SEM, STEM and TOF-SIMS. It is found that the bonding degradation is due to the Cl- accelerated galvanic corrosion in the Ag-Al bonding area.
See more of: Packaging and Assembly Analysis II
See more of: Symposium