Feature Based Non-Destructive Fault Isolation in Advanced IC Packages

Tuesday, November 11, 2014: 2:35 PM
310 A (George R. Brown Convention Center )
Dr. Ka Chung Lee , TearView Limited, Cambridge, United Kingdom
Dr. Jesse Alton , TearView Limited, Cambridge, United Kingdom
Mr. Martin Igarashi , TearView Limited, Cambridge, United Kingdom
Mr. Stephane Barbeau , IBM Microelectronics, Bromont, QC, Canada


Traditional time domain reflectometry (TDR) techniques employ time-based information to locate faults within packages with minimal references to internal structures. Here, we combine a novel and innovative technique, electro optical terahertz pulse reflectometry (EOTPR), with full 3D DUT modelling to quickly and non-destructively perform a feature-based analysis. We demonstrate fault isolation to an accuracy of 10µm or better with respect to device features in an advanced IC package.