TDR Analysis on Short Transmission Lines

Wednesday, November 12, 2014
Exhibit Hall B3 (George R. Brown Convention Center )
Mr. Nicholas Konkol , Intel Corporation, Hillsboro, OR
Mr. Colin Stark, MSECE , Intel Corporation, Hillsboro, OR


Short transmission lines on PCBs can be difficult to characterize with a TDR. This is due to the long rise time of the signal driven by the TDR relative to the propagation time of the signal down a short line. If a transmission line is suspected to have an open connection between a PCB pad and an IC pin or an open connection within the IC itself, it can be difficult to prove is the open exists or where it is if the total length of the transmission line is short relative to the rise time of the TDRs driving signal. One solution to address this problem is to extend the length of the transmission line.
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