Analysis of InGaAs Epi Defects by Conductive AFM

Tuesday, November 11, 2014: 10:20 AM
310 B (George R. Brown Convention Center )
Mr. Aaron Cordes , SEMATECH, Albany, NY
Mr. Tom Dyer , SEMATECH, Albany, NY
Mr. Sean M. Hand , Bruker BNS, Santa Barbara, CA


III-V semiconductor materials offer major improvements to device mobility and performance, but also introduce new metrology and failure analysis challenges. In particular, as heterogeneous materials they allow the propagation of numerous types of crystalline defects that can potentially serve as leakage pathways leading to device failure. Electrical atomic force microscopy (AFM) techniques can simultaneously detect the defects and monitor their electrical impact. In this work, we explore the correlation of several electrical AFM techniques to several reference techniques. AFM techniques analyzed include conventional contact-mode conductive AFM as well as more advanced methods such as Peak Force Scanning Spreading Resistance Microscopy. Each is shown to have its own advantages and disadvantages in terms of data provided, sensitivity, and measurement complexity. Reference techniques, including high-resolution X-ray diffraction (HR-XRD) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM), are used to provide comparative information in order to analyze the AFM techniques’ capability. We also demonstrate the power of conductive AFM for determining the leakage impact of the defects. Results are shown across numerous different epitaxial III-V depositions, each showing different defect behavior from concentrated critical defects to diffuse, and induced defects in aspect ratio trapping structures.