High-Resolution Backside GMR Magnetic Current Imaging on a Contour-Milled Globally Ultrathin Die

Monday, November 10, 2014: 11:15 AM
Grand Ballroom B (George R. Brown Convention Center )
Mr. David Vallett , PeakSource Analytical, LLC, Fairfax, VT
Mr. Jan Gaudestad , Neocera, LLC, Beltsville, MD
Mr. Chris Richardson , Allied High Tech Products, Inc., Rancho Dominguez, CA


Backside MCI and LIT are used on a low-resistance power supply short through a full-thickness silicon die and subsequently on the same device immediately above the active layer after global contour-milling of substantially all the substrate silicon. The work will demonstrate the advantages of this non-destructive edge-to-edge deprocessing method capable of accounting for the varying stress-induced warpage and resulting contours in multilayer devices. Also highlighted will be the significant improvements in magnetic current imaging resolution gained by completely exposing the active circuitry.