Novel Research-Level Techniques and Concepts

Monday, November 10, 2014: 11:15 AM-12:05 PM
Grand Ballroom B (George R. Brown Convention Center )
Session Chairs:
Dr. Michael Bruce and Dr. Huimeng Wu
11:15 AM
High-Resolution Backside GMR Magnetic Current Imaging on a Contour-Milled Globally Ultrathin Die
Mr. David Vallett, PeakSource Analytical, LLC; Mr. Jan Gaudestad, Neocera, LLC; Mr. Chris Richardson, Allied High Tech Products, Inc.
11:40 AM
Resolution Improvement through Sparse Image Reconstruction Techniques for Dark Field Subsurface Microscopy of Integrated Circuits
Mrs. Tenzile Berkin Cilingiroglu, Boston University; Prof. W. Clem Karl, Boston University; Prof. Janusz Konrad, Boston University; Dr. Michael D W Grogan, Boston University; Mr. Abdulkadir Yurt, Boston University; Mr. Ahmet Tuysuzoglu, Boston University; Prof. Bennett B. Goldberg, Boston University; Prof. M. Selim Unlu, Boston University
12:05 PM
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