Ultra-Low Voltage TRE Measurements from 32 nm SOI CMOS Integrated Circuits

Wednesday, November 12, 2014
Exhibit Hall B3 (George R. Brown Convention Center )
Dr. Andrea Bahgat Shehata , IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, Yorktown Heights, NY
Dr. Franco Stellari , IBM Research, Yorktown Heights, NY
Alan Weger , IBM Research, Yorktown Heights, NY
Dr. Peilin Song , IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, Yorktown Heights, NY
Dr. Vikas Anant , Photon Spot, Monrovia, CA
Kristen Sunter , Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA
Dr. Karl Berggren , Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA
Dr. Ted R. Lundquist , DCG Systems, Inc, Fremont, CA
Dr. Euan Ramsay , DCG Systems, Inc, Fremont, CA


This work presents a comparison of two generations of Superconducting nanowire Single-Photon Detector (SnSPD) prototypes used for Time-Resolved Emission (TRE) measurements from VLSI chips. The performance of the systems is compared in order to understand the figures of merit that a single-photon detector should have to enable the acquisition of time resolved emission waveforms for ultra low voltage applications. We will show that measurements down to 0.4 V supply voltage were made possible by a careful optimization of the detector front-end electronics. We also characterized the emission from devices with different threshold voltages in order to understand how the emission contributions depend on this parameter and how this affects the resulting waveform SNR.
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