Tester Assisted Multiple Emission Microscopy

Wednesday, November 4, 2015: 3:30 PM
Meeting Room D139 & 140 (Oregon Convention Center )
Dr. Christian Hollerith , Infineon tech. AG, Neubiberg, Germany
Mr. Gerhard Borgmann , Infineon tech. AG, Neubiberg, Germany
Wolfgang Schaller , Infineon tech. AG, Neubiberg, Germany
Christof Brillert , Infineon tech. AG, Neubiberg, Germany
Mr. Christian Burmer , Infineon tech. AG, Neubiberg, Germany


Multiple emission microscopy can be used to obtain a complete overview of device emission during IDDQ-test. In the new approach an emission microscopy image is taken for each pattern of the IDDQ-test. Then the large amount of images is analyzed for correlation with IDDQ current levels. So for each increased current level concurrent spots can be identified and further analyzed