Plasma-FIB sample preparation for X-ray tomography of 3D-IC interconnects
Plasma-FIB sample preparation for X-ray tomography of 3D-IC interconnects
Thursday, November 10, 2016: 8:25 AM
110AB (Fort Worth Convention Center)
Prior to x-ray tomography, cylindrically-shaped samples are obtained using an innovative milling strategy on a Plasma-FIB. The method presented consists of tuning the ion dose as a function of pixel coordinates along with optimization of the scan geometries, drastically reducing the preparation time and significantly improving the overall workflow efficiency.
Prior to x-ray tomography, cylindrically-shaped samples are obtained using an innovative milling strategy on a Plasma-FIB. The method presented consists of tuning the ion dose as a function of pixel coordinates along with optimization of the scan geometries, drastically reducing the preparation time and significantly improving the overall workflow efficiency.