Visible Laser Probing (VLP) with GaP Solid Immersion Lens Demonstrating 110 nm Resolution in Common Laser Probing Applications

Monday, November 7, 2016: 10:25 AM
121AB (Fort Worth Convention Center)
Dr. Travis M. Eiles , Intel Corp., Hillsboro, OR
Mr. Patrick Pardy , Intel Corp., Hillsboro, OR


A gallium phosphide-based Solid Immersion Lens is used with a 577nm visible wavelength to achieve the highest resolution to date (110 nm pitch) for laser probing applications including waveform acquisition, signal imaging, and LADA. This is done using a visible-wavelength laser scanning microscope with linearly polarized light and a high-speed silicon detector. Data collected on advanced process nodes will be shown. Implications for scaling laser applications for future technology nodes will be discussed along with overall time savings in the FA process.