Hardware Attacks, Security, and Reverse Engineering

Thursday, November 4, 2021: 8:00 AM-9:40 AM
105 AB (Phoenix Convention Center)
* Competitive Analysis and Reverse Engineering Dr. E.L. Principe, Synchrotron Research Inc. and Mr. Kevin Awai, Raytheon
8:00 AM
(V) Quantitative study of photoelectric laser stimulation for logic state imaging in embedded SRAM
Dr. Samuel Chef, Nanyang Technological University; Dr. Chung Tah Chua, Nanyang Technological University; Ms. Jing Yun Tay, Nanyang Technological University; Prof. Chee Lip Gan, Nanyang Technological University
8:25 AM
(V) The Role of Cloud Computing In A Modern Reverse Engineering Workflow at the 5nm Node and Beyond
Mr. Christopher A. Pawlowicz, TechInsights; Mr. Michael Green, B.Sc.(Eng), TechInsights; Dr. Bruno Machado Trindade, PhD, TechInsights
8:50 AM
(V) PCB Netlist Obfuscation with Micro Electro Mechanical Systems and Additive Manufacturing Techniques
Mr. John True, Florida Institute for Cybersecurity, University of Florida; Mr. Aslam Khan, Florida Institute for Cybersecurity, University of Florida; Mr. Chengjie Xi, Florida Institute for Cybersecurity, University of Florida; Prof. Josh Hihath, University of California Davis; Dr. Navid Asadizanjani, Florida Institute for Cybersecurity, University of Florida
9:15 AM
Proof of Reverse Engineering Barrier: SEM Image Analysis on Covert Gates
Mrs. Tasnuva Farheen, University of Florida; Mr. Ulbert Jose Botero, University of Florida; Mr. Nitin varshney, University of Florida; Dr. Haoting Shen, University of Nevada; Dr. Damon L. Woodard, Florida Institute for Cybersecurity, University of Florida; Dr. Mark Tehranipoor, Florida Institute for Cybersecurity, University of Florida; Prof. Domenic Forte, University of Florida
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