Microscopy I & II

Sunday, October 30, 2022: 8:00 AM-1:20 PM
Ballroom C (Pasadena Convention Center)
Mr. Lorenz Lechner, Kleindiek Inc. and Ms. Rose Ring, Howard Hughes Research Labs
8:00 AM
Basics and Current Aspects of Scanning Electron Microscopy
Dr. Heiko Stegmann, Carl Zeiss Microscopy GmbH
9:00 AM
STEM-in-SEM: From Basic Imaging to Rigorous Quantitative Analysis
Dr. Jason Holm, National Institute of Standards and Technology
10:20 AM
An Introduction to the FIB (Focused Ion Beam) as a Microchip Circuit Edit Tool
Mr. Steven B. Herschbein, Independent Consultant; Dr. Shida Tan, Intel Corporation; Mr. Richard H. Livengood, Intel Corporation; Mr. Michael Wong, Thermo Fisher Scientific
12:20 PM
See more of: Tutorial