Artificial Intelligence User Group Discussion

Thursday, October 31, 2024: 10:00 AM-11:40 AM
The Pointe (Hilton San Diego Bayfront)
Sebastian Brand, Fraunhofer IMWS
Peter Hoffrogge, PVA Tepla
Thomas Rodgers, Zeiss Microscopy
Konstantin Schekotihin, University Klagenfur
Florian Felux, Infinion Technologies

AI-based technologies have a huge potential in automating various FA tasks. Especially the evaluation studies in the areas of computer vision and natural language processing published at recent ISTFA, IPFA, or CAM Workshop indicate that technologies based on Deep Neural Networks can significantly simplify localization of different failures on images and answer questions of FA engineers with chatbots. However, to use these methods, an organization must provide infrastructure and data in a format suitable for training procedures employed by the selected methods; see, for instance, for a short review.

The "AI User Group" session will explore the essential requirements for successful AI applications. It will focus on the importance of proper infrastructure, tools, and business processes enabling the creation and storage of data that engineers and machines can unambiguously interpret. During the session, we will start with two demonstrations of modern technology highlighting the significance of technological developments. This practical introduction will facilitate the subsequent discussion of the technological and organizational challenges related to successful AI applications and answer questions on how AI can effectively be utilized in your company and what is currently lacking. In particular, the user group wants to answer and discuss the following technology challenges:

  • How can I use AI in FA, for what is it good?
  • How can I improve my results and the workflows
  • How can I push this technology forward, were do we go next?

Please check the following form to provide us with your areas of interest and start the discussion:

Join us at the AI User Group to exchange ideas and brainstorm how AI can enhance the FA world. To arrange a micro tutorial on machine learning free of charge, please contact

See more of: Technical Program