Emerging Concepts and Techniques

Monday, November 10, 2014: 9:55 AM-11:15 AM
Grand Ballroom B (George R. Brown Convention Center )
Session Chairs:
Dr. Michael Bruce and Dr. Huimeng Wu
10:00 AM
Novel NIR Camera with Extended Sensitivity and Low Noise for Photon Emission Microscopy of VLSI Circuits
Dr. Andrea Bahgat Shehata, IBM T.J. Watson Research Center; Dr. Franco Stellari, IBM Research; Alan Weger, IBM Research; Dr. Peilin Song, IBM T.J. Watson Research Center; Dr. Herve Deslandes, DCG Systems; Dr. Ted R. Lundquist, DCG Systems, Inc; Dr. Euan Ramsay, DCG Systems
10:25 AM
Automated Mapping of Very Large Areas of VLSI Circuit using SIL
Dr. Chung-Ching Lin, IBM T.J. Watson Research Center; Dr. Franco Stellari, IBM Research
10:50 AM
Routine Device-Level Atom Probe Analysis
Mr. Daniel F. Lawrence, Cameca, Inc.
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