3D Packages I

Monday, November 10, 2014: 1:00 PM-2:40 PM
310 A (George R. Brown Convention Center )
Session Chairs:
Mr. Frank Altmann and Dr. Yan Li
1:00 PM
3D IC/Stacked Device Fault Isolation Using 3D Magnetic Field Imaging
Dr. Antonio Orozco, Neocera; Mr. Nicolas Gagliolo, Neocera; Mr. Christopher Rowlett, Neocera LLC; Mr. Enoch Wong, Neocera; Mr. Anurag Moghe, Neocera; Mr. Steve Garrahan, Neocera; Mr. Jan Gaudestad, Neocera, LLC; Mr. Alex Jeffers, Center for Nanophysics and Advanced Materials; Mr. Keyvan Torkashvan, Center for Nanophysics and Advanced Materials; Dr. Frederick C. Wellstood, Center for Nanophysics and Advanced Materials; Dr. A. B. Cawthorne, Trevecca Nazarene University; Dr. Fulvio Infante, Intraspec Technologies
1:25 PM
Failure Analysis Work Flow for Electrical Shorts in Triple Stacked 3D TSV Daisy Chains
Mr. Jan Gaudestad, Neocera, LLC; Dr. Antonio Orozco, Neocera; Prof. Ingrid De Wolf, imec; Teng Wang, imec; Tomas Weber, imec; Mr. Ron Kelley, FEI; Troy Morrison, FEI; Mr. Surendra Madala, FEI
1:50 PM
Short Localization in 2.5D Microchip with Interposer using Magnetic Current Imaging
Mr. Jan Gaudestad, Neocera, LLC; Mr. Daniel Nuez, Xilinx; Mr. Phoumra Tan, Xilinx, Inc
2:40 PM
See more of: Symposium