Packaging and Assembly Analysis I

Monday, November 10, 2014: 2:50 PM-4:05 PM
310 A (George R. Brown Convention Center )
Session Chair:
Dr. Lihong Cao
2:50 PM
Comparative Study on Decapsulation for Copper and Silver Wire-Bonded Devices
Mr. Francois Kerisit, LAMIPS, CRISMAT – NXP semiconductors - Presto-Engineering Europe laboratory, CNRS-UMR6508; ENSICAEN, UCBN; Dr. Bernadette Domengès, LAMIPS, CRISMAT – NXP semiconductors - Presto-Engineering Europe laboratory, CNRS-UMR6508; ENSICAEN, UCBN; Mr. Michael Obein, Digit Concept
3:15 PM
Laser Focus Depth Adaptation for Decapsulation of Copper Wirebonded Devices
Ms. H. B. Kor, Nanyang Technological University; Dr. Qing Liu, Nanyang Technological University; Ms. Y. W. Siah, Nanyang Technological University; Prof. Chee Lip Gan, Nanyang Technological University
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