Microscopy II

Wednesday, November 12, 2014: 4:20 PM-6:00 PM
310 B (George R. Brown Convention Center )
Session Chair:
Mr. Carl Nail
4:20 PM
Evaluation of Power SiC-MOSFET Using Super-Higher-Order Scanning Nonlinear Dielectric Microscopy: Imaging of Carrier Distribution and Depletion Layer
Mr. Norimichi Chinone, Tohoku University; Dr. Takashi Nakamura, ROHM Co., Ltd.; Prof. Yasuo Cho, Tohoku University
4:45 PM
Imaging Performance of aSIL Microscopy on Subsurface Imaging of SOI Chips
Ms. Aydan Uyar, Boston University; Mr. Abdulkadir Yurt, Boston University; Mrs. Tenzile Berkin Cilingiroglu, Boston University; Prof. Bennett B. Goldberg, Boston University; Prof. M. Selim Ünlü, Boston University
5:10 PM
Methods to Reconstruct SEM and Optical Probe Tips using a FIB Tool
Mr. Walter Lepuschenko, IBM Microelectronics; David Goulet, IBM Microelectronics
5:35 PM
Near-Field Scanning Optical Microscopy for Through-Silicon Imaging and Fault Isolation of Integrated Circuits
Dr. Rajiv Giridharagopal, Intel Corp.; Dr. Travis M. Eiles, Intel Corp.; Dr. Baohua Niu, Intel Corp.
See more of: Symposium